Relief for Makutano traders as governor opens the modern market

Traders in Makutano, Meru County, have heaved a sigh of relief after County Governor Kiraitu Murungi yesterday officially opened a Sh54million modern market that will accommodate all the traders.

Initially, the traders in the fast-growing area have been operating by the roadsides exposing them to risks of being hit by speeding vehicles and motorcycles.

Mr Luka Mugendi, a trader in Makutano town said the move by the Governor to construct a modern market for them was a noble one since they will now be selling their wares without fear.

“We had no permanent location of operation where we can leave our wares and we were forced to look for storage facilities from other quarters at an extra fee,” said Mr Mugendi.

He said with the new market, one will comfortably leave his property at his stall since the market is well secured.

Ms Martha Kaari, a vegetable seller in Makutano said the new market will ensure their vegetables were free from dirt which was plenty by the roadsides, and that they will be able to operate their businesses even during the rainy season.

“We will now maintain the cleanliness of our vegetables and also ensure that we operate even when there are rains. Initially, we have had to close our businesses in case of rains,” said Ms Kaari.

Speaking during the opening ceremony, Governor Kiraitu said the market was one of the many projects that he was carrying out to change the face of Meru as well as other towns to the required standards.

Under the “My town My Business” program, he said, his government has created town management boards and market committees which have been tasked with upgrading them to modern standards.

“We have paved all our main roads in this town with cabros and we have extended this to all our major towns such as Kangeta, Kituine, Maua, Laare, Kimongoro, Kianjai, Kibirichaia, Nkubu, Mutuati, Gatimbi, Kithirune, Kionyo, Mitunguu, Antu-betwe, Kinoro, Mikinduri among others,” said Mr Kiraitu.



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