Security agencies in Embu seize haul of counterfeit liquor and arrest three suspects

Security agencies in Embu West Sub-county on yesterday seized a haul of assorted illegal alcoholic drinks at a residential home in Gatondo Village of Itabua Sub-location.

At the same time, two young women and a man were arrested in connection with the consignment after they were found cleaning bottles in readiness for packaging.

Some of the goods netted according to area Deputy County Commissioner Mercy Gatobu include 13 crates of assorted liquor, 28 empty crates, 22 Jerri cans filled with liquid suspected to be ethanol, a carton of bottles tops and two rolls of counterfeit duty stamps.

A canter truck and a saloon car believed to be used to transport the liquor to the market were impounded and towed away by the police.

However, the premise owner behind what security organs believe is the existence of an illicit liquor manufacturing unit was not around at the time of invasion and the suspects arrested are expected to assist in unmasking him/her.

The DCC thanked members of the public for the intelligence information that assisted them to make the breakthrough in the war against illicit liquor and contraband goods.

“We continue to urge our people to keep divulging information in relation to acts of criminality in their areas to law enforcers,” Gatobu pleaded.

Sub County Police Commander Julius Kyumbule said they will continue sustaining the crackdown as long as it takes because such unscrupulous traders are offering in the market nothing but poison.



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