Teachers Arraigned in Court for Assaulting A pupil

Two teachers at Nyamninia Primary School in Yala, Siaya county, accused of caning a pupil to an extent of causing physical injury to the minor, pleaded not guilty to the crime yesterday morning.

Paul Osogo and Maurine Otieno, were arraigned at the Siaya Law Courts for plea taking for the alleged offence of caning Bravin Ochido.

In a video that went viral, the minor contemplated suicide after what he termed as punitive beatings he received in the hands of the two teachers.

The prosecution informed the court that Dancun Otieno, the father to the minor had written to them a letter requesting the case be withdrawn as they had settled the matter out of court.

The prosecution opposed the request saying that the child should be allowed to first testify before a consideration is made to withdraw or not.

The prosecutor, Tracy Nambisia, requested the court that the two accused be detained until the matter is concluded pleading to have them not to be released on bond until the minor testified, citing possible witness interference by the accused.

“Given the national and international interest this incident has attracted, it is in the best interest of the child to have the case continue and a determination made by the court. We urge that the matter be treated with utmost urgency in the best interest of the child,” submitted Nambisia.

Beatrice Oguda Siaya county Children’s’ Officer requested Judge Lester Simiyu to act in the best interest of the minor, especially now that she has noted instances of witness interference.

The two accused persons’ request to be released on bond was denied by the judge, ordering that the prosecution serve them with a written affidavit as to why they should not be out on bond. The bond application case will be heard today, Tuesday at 10:00am.



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