Ole Kenta challenges Governor Ntutu’s election in court

Narok gubernatorial aspirant Moitalel Ole Kenta, who lost in the just concluded elections has filed a petition challenging the election of Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu as the county’s second governor.

Ole Kenta who filed the petition at the High Court in Narok on Wednesday said he believed he had comfortably won the elections but his victory was denied by Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), hence the reason he took the legal option.

Ole Kenta who was accompanied by his legal team, deputy running mate William Oltetia declined to disclose to journalists the details of the petition saying his legal team will be giving a detailed report later.

However, it is suspected that he could be basing his case on the alleged voter malpractice where several IEBC officials were nabbed swapping gubernatorial results in Ole Kenta’s strongholds so as to favour Ole Ntutu.

Six cases of election malpractice that mostly involved the gubernatorial position are ongoing at the Narok magistrate court. Ole Kenta urged his supporters to continue maintaining peace as they await the court proceedings to be concluded.

Kenta said that he had to come to court after the Narok County Election Manager, Dr. Sidney Namulungu failed to listen to him and instead asked him to go to court.

The Kenya’s Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, the country’s electoral body, declared Ntutu the second Narok Governor elected on August15 at the National tallying center due to breach of peace at the County tallying center.

In the just concluded election, Governor Ntutu garnered 159,000 votes beating Ole Kenta who managed 148,000 votes.



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