Older women have a role in nation building, says Pokot Central DCC

Pokot Central Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Mr. Jeremiah Tumo has reiterated the need for women participation in political leadership and public life noting that it helps to bring harmony and integrity in society.

Speaking during celebration of the International Day of Older Persons in Sigor of West Pokot County on Tuesday, Tumo said challenges faced by older women calls for a global action to root out any form of discrimination against them.

The DCC urged area residents and persons in leadership positions to safeguard the rights of older women and girls through prevention of any form of violence against them.

“This year’s celebrations marking the International Day of Older Persons runs under the theme ‘‘Resilience and Contribution of Older Women’’ hence we all must embrace the voices of Older Women and showcase their resilience and contributions to the society,” noted Tumo.

He affirmed that the government deeply appreciates the significant roles being played by the older persons in national development hence strive to offer them the support they require.

The administrator added that the government respected the different cultures and heritages of every community and society warning that any culture that violates the rights of human beings by causing harm needs to be shunned since it is illegal.

Tumo said that due to improved nutrition, advances in medicine and infectious disease control, the population of older persons in West Pokot has increased phenomenally in the recent past.

He appealed to all men, community leaders, government authorities, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), children and young people to be at the forefront in the fight against retrogressive cultural practices that undermine the wellbeing of women especially the older women and all the elderly people.

“I want to urge all of us in society especially the political leadership, officers of the national and county governments, religious leaders, non-state partners, teachers, opinion leaders among others to educate the public on the need to value and cherish our older women,’’ he appealed.

West Pokot County Director of Social Protection, Senior Citizens Affairs and Special programmes Charles Nerimah noted that the government has put in place measures to protect the older persons by having in place a Consolidated Social Protection Fund under the Social Pillar of the Kenya Vision 2030 where funds were established to facilitate access to cash transfers paid after every two months to enable them cope up with every day shocks and improve quality of life.

Nerimah noted that a total of 8872 older persons among them 5050 women and 3822 men are beneficiaries of the cash transfer programme in the county who receive a monthly stipend of Sh2000 each.



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