Interfaith Network call on the Government to tighten Cross Border Ebola Screening

Migori County Interfaith Network has raised their concern about the poor screening methods of people crossing the Kenyan boundaries by health authorities.

Speaking in Migori town, the union comprising of different religious bodies decried of laxity by the government officials when screening foreigners entering the country through the open Uganda border.

The body headed by their Chairperson, Bishop Charles Otigo of the Deliverance Church shared their fears that innocent Kenyans are at risk of contracting the dangerous disease if the trend continues.

“A month ago, the government announced the outbreak of Ebola epidemic in our neighbouring country of Uganda, although our border officials don’t take this matter seriously as some Uganda citizens make their way into the country without proper channels,” Otigo said.

In Migori County, Kenya borders two east African countries that is Uganda through Lake Victoria and Tanzania through Isebania. However, other porous borders exist thus manning them becomes a challenging affair.

Bishop James Nyangoto noted that a country like Tanzania is not an easy walk in and out for anybody as compared to Kenya.

“If you go to Tanzania even on a motorbike you will be stopped and tested. Their scrutiny is very tight as opposed to our Kenyan side. We urge our government to do something,” he said.

The religious leaders were speaking in Migori town where they were engaging the young people on matters of peace and security.

The clergy called on the residents to be cautious as the Ebola virus is very contagious, adding that the government is working on measures to help curb the possible spread.

Nyangoto urged the security agencies to play their constitution mandates and scrutinise anyone entering the country through the Malaba and Busia borders, and any other porous points along the two countries.



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