Catholic diocese of Murang’a sends relief intervention to drought stricken Marsabit

The Catholic Diocese of Murang’a has carried out a relief intervention programme to families in the drought stricken county of Marsabit and North Horr.

The diocese under the stewardship of Rt Rev James Maria Wainaina on Tuesday released a consignment of goods in kind worth Sh. 1.7million and a further donation in cash worth Sh1.8 million to be received in North Horr by the Marsabit Local Ordinary Bishop Peter Kihara.

Bishop Wainaina revealed that the severe drought being experienced in Marsabit and other parts of the country triggered the faithful in the diocese and other parts of the country to support the mission to alleviate the drought situation.

“In the wake of the current drought, we wrote letters to our parishes, our friends and our suppliers giving them the paybill of an existing emergency account that we used last year for a similar intervention in Marsabit,” he noted.

“Many responded and into this account many of our friends generously sent cash contributions amounting to Sh.1, 008, 830,” he said.

Wainaina revealed that the parishes in Murang’a actively and urgently collected dry cereals like maize beans, and rice estimated at Sh1,724,125million which will go a long way in supporting the brothers and sisters in dire need of food.

“Other provisions that have a long shelf life so as to withstand transportation and the pre distribution period were bought from the supermarkets,” he added.

The Bishop also commended the effort of the religious congregations in the diocese for heeding to the call and contributing generously to the initiative and responding to Christ’s call of helping those in need.

Marsabit county has not received rain for over three years and over 1 million livestock have been lost to drought thus exposing residents to food insecurity



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