Residents of Olchorro demand transfer of security personnel

Residents of Olchorro village in Loitokitok sub-County on Thursday protested outside the Deputy County Commissioner’s office over escalating cases of insecurity in their locality.

The protesters demanded immediate transfer of security personnel in the area for their laxity in containing the rising insecurity.

The demonstrators blamed the administration manning their area of sleeping on their job, pointing fingers to the area chief whom they alleged introduced curfew as from 7.00pm which was affecting their businesses.

They also blamed police officers, alleging they have been reluctant in taking action against the perpetrators, claiming that they were colluding with them.

John Mbatia, the chairman of the group has pointed out that insecurity has become rampant in their locality and the community members could no longer tolerate, hence lodging the peaceful demonstration in expressing their anger.

Mbatia cited a recent case of theft in their village where some sacks of maize were stolen and upon taking the accused persons to court, they were later released on bond-term of Sh10,000, an incident that made the demonstrators angry and concerned.

The chairman also highlighted that the robbery normally takes place between midnight and 2:00 am since most of the shops were closed past 10:00pm and so far, they have a list of 11 suspects.

Jacklin Moinan who is a shop owner at Olchorro village complained of the rising insecurity that led her shop to be robbed twice recently.

She further noted that the alleged robbers who were people known to them have issued death threats to some members of the public.

Moinan said she lost through the twin robbery of property of unknown value and demanded immediate transfer of security officers and speedy arrest and prosecution of all culprits.

In response to the protesters, Loitokitok Sub County Police Commander Shadrack Rutto warned the public against conducting Kangaroo courts that led to no long-term conflict resolution.

Rutto, who was against imposition of curfew by area chief, called upon the residents to work cohesively with the administration to report any suspects for action to be taken.

The sub county police boss alluded that he would tighten the security situation in the area upon reshuffling police officers to curb the insecurity in the area.

He said he would request the relevant authorities to establish a police post at the Olchorro area which was lauded by the protestors.

Assistant County Commissioner for Central Division Salma Suleiman has promised to the residents that she would personally follow-up with the area chief to ensure security in Olchorro is restored.

Suleiman congratulated the protesters for not taking any retaliatory action against the perpetrators but instead opted to report the matter to the administration.



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