Two men pleaded not guilty to stealing sh. 28,000 metallic pipes

Two men pleaded not guilty for stealing metallic pipes worth Sh 28,000 from a shop.

Appearing before Magistrate Elizabeth Kemei in a Makueni court, John Kimeu and Benedict Mbalo pleaded not guilty for stealing 25 metallic pipes valued at 28,000 belonging to Marieta Mwanzia on June 6 in Kathonzweni Sub County.

According to court records Kimeu raided the store and stole the pipes and gave them to his co-accused Mbalo, a motorbike rider to sell them.

They however both denied the charges saying that they heard about the incident separately.

Mbalo told the court that the pipes he was transporting was not related to the stolen one but he was aware that some pipes had been stolen. The two accused are in custody awaiting ruling on October 27.



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