Ottichilo names Cabinet, drops All Immediate Former Members

Vihiga Governor Dr. Wilber Ottichilo has nominated members of the executive committee as he embarks on his second and final term.

In the 10-member line up, the governor has dropped all the immediate former members and chosen new individuals.

Ottichilo said he is confident that the new team will support him to deliver the desired services to the electorate as pledged in his campaign manifesto.

The county head has lived to up the requirement that none of the nominees from one gender exceeds two-thirds by naming three women to his cabinet. The nominees’ names will be forwarded to the county assembly for vetting and approval before they are formally appointed.

They include Prof. Mike Iravo, public service and administration, Dr. Jairus Amayi, Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Nicholas Madaga, Health Services and Nicholas Kitungulu, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

Others are Joseph Lunani, transport and infrastructure, Julius Kiboen Maruja, physical planning, lands, housing and urban development, Meshack Onzere, gender, culture, youth, sports and social services.

The female members include Ruth Mbwaya, education and technical vocational training, Mercy Ajema, commerce, Tourism and Cooperatives, and Anne Chilande, environment, water, energy and natural resources.



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