Engage more ECDE teachers, Nyandarua Assembly

Some 315 newly employed Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers have been placed on a scheme of service, Nyandarua County Assembly has heard.

In a report tabled by the Committee on Public Service and Administration, 66 tutors employed permanently did not meet the threshold for scheme of service established by the county.

The committee chaired by Kinangop MCA Erdinand Kingori noted during the plenary sitting Tuesday that 581 teachers were engaged by the County Public Service Board to serve the learners.

“381 were engaged on permanent and pensionable basis with 200 more ECDE preparatory teachers coming on board on a three- year renewable contract each,” noted committee member, nominated MCA Sasha Wamae.

Wamae said that 574 tutors had already been deployed to the 25 wards, with the preparatory teachers deployed near their homes, since they were earning a Sh10, 000 stipend monthly.

Leshau Pondo MCA Gathungu Kamau had earlier sought to know the employment status of the teachers including their distribution across the 25 wards and mode of remuneration.

“The transition clause in the ECDE Scheme of Service provides for the minimum requirements that the 66 did not meet as they were engaged as clerks, support staffs. They were however assigned classroom duties, with those above 50 years taken on 3-year renewable contract,” added Wamae noting that those above 60 were engaged for a one-year contract that was non-renewable.

The Public Service and Administration committee recommended among other things, the improvement of working conditions through competitive remuneration and engaging more staff on a need basis.



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