Business community in Mwingi distributes foodstuffs to 1000 households

A group of businessmen and women from Mwingi town have taken up the initiative of supplementing government efforts of fighting hunger in the country and ensure no citizen dies of hunger by distributing food stuffs to 1000 vulnerable households Mwingi Central.

The business community pooled resources together to buy foodstuffs for over 1000 households across the six wards of Mwingi central.

They launched distribution exercises for the first batch of foodstuffs aimed at feeding over 1000 families, with the first distribution exercise taking place at Kyethani Market in Mwingi central sub-county.

Rodah Musyoka, a business lady who has been coordinating the exercise said that the business community and other well-wishers in Mwingi town began the initiative through a WhatsApp group, following the worsening hunger situation in the area, which has seen many families go for days without food.

Musyoka said that they have so far collected foodstuff ranging from cereals, maize flour, and rice which are expected to feed the vulnerable households in Mwingi central.

She urged all able Kenyans to ensure that they take care of the needy in their localities, as this goes a long way in supplementing government efforts of feeding the vulnerable in the country.

Mwingi Deputy County Commissioner Catherine Njoroge thanked the group of well-wishers for coming to the rescue of the needy, saying that the national government through her office had so far distributed relief food to over 4,000 people in Mwingi.

The residents who received the foodstuffs from Kyethani village also thanked the group for their generosity.



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