MCA’s assure residents of fair vetting process for CECMs

The leadership of Kakamega County Assembly has assured residents of a fair vetting exercise for County Executive Committee Members(CECM) nominees.

Speaker of County Assembly Mr. James Namatsi said the Committee on Appointments will thoroughly scrutinize the nominees to determine their suitability to serve the people of Kakamega.

The vetting began on Monday with the nominees for County Secretary position, Dr. Bonface Okoth and CECM for public service and administration nominee Lawrence Omuhaka appearing before the committee for vetting.

Others who were vetted are the CECM for Finance and Economic Planning nominee Livingstone Lubase and Ms. Rachel Carol Atamba CECM nominee for the department of ICT, e-Government and Communications.

Kakamega County Assembly Majority Leader Philip Maina said the vetting exercise is free from any influence with strictness to only approve capable and suitable nominees. “The nominees who will fall short of the set requirements will be rejected by the committee,” he added.

The Committee will continue to vet nominees for Agriculture Benjamin Andama, for Sports Moffat Mandela and the Nominee for Lands and Physical Planning Peninah Mukabane and Dr. Bernard Wesonga nominee for Health Services.

The vetting exercise for Chief Officers will commence on Wednesday this week which will be done by Sectoral committees.



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