Exams end smoothly in Khwisero Sub County

There was no expectant candidate in Khwisero Sub County schools during the ongoing countrywide exams.

According to the area director of education Genetrix Amatha, such cases were never experienced in any of the schools within the region.

“I am glad that we have no such cases of pupils being pregnant and sitting for their exams outside the school during these exams (KCPE and KPSEA),” she said.

At the same time Acting Deputy County Commissioner Shadrack Munyao said they had deployed enough security officers to man examination centres all over the area for credible examination results.

“All officers involved in the exercise are working as a team. This exercise must run smoothly without any hitch as you can see, “he said.

The Administrator and the Education officer were speaking today at Deputy County Commissioner’s office in Khwisero.

More than two million standard eight and class six learners winded up their National Examinations today.



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