PWDs in Makueni County complain of being discriminated

People with Disabilities (PWDs) in Makueni County have complained that they are discriminated against by the county government and political parties when it comes to appointments and employment.

They particularly said that their members have not been recruited in government positions to achieve the five per cent required besides being denied representation at the county assembly of Makueni by political parties.

The issues were raised by the Chairperson of Kibwezi West Disabled Persons Organization Ms Agnes Musembi during the celebrations of the International Day of People with Disability at Unoa sports ground on Saturday.

She claimed that at the county assembly of Makueni, they are represented by a nominated person who is not disabled saying the irregularity should be corrected to give them their right as stipulated in the constitution.

“What we want in Makueni is full representation for Persons with Disabilities. I want to remind the different parties that we participated in the last general election and voted. We were nominated but got disappointed when we were left out,” she said.

Consequently, she raised her concern about the deaf people who undergo challenges in communicating to the medics while seeking services at the health facilities saying there was a need for the county government to employ sign interpreters to ease their communication.

Also the chairperson pointed out that most government buildings were unfriendly to the PWDs and she challenged the administration to ensure there were ramps to enable them access the structures when they go to seek for services.

“Our health facilities are inaccessible as they lack ramps. The deaf persons hardly communicate with the medical staff as there is a barrier in communication. I urge the government to employ sign interpreters to lessen the burden,” said Musembi.

During the event that was attended by PWDs drawn from across the county, she asked the county government to ensure they upgraded the courses being offered at the County Technical Training Institutes (CTTIs) and ensure they are also involved in sporting activities.

“We want courses like masonry, dress making and shoe making to be upgraded to designing and beauty therapy to match international standards. Our members have a lot of talent dyeing at home, we need the county government to initiate sports from ward to county level,” she stated.

Reacting to the sentiments raised, the Department of Gender, Children, Youth, Sports and Social Services Executive Committee Member (ECM) Mr. Nicolas Masila Nzioka promised to liaise with his education counterpart to ensure the issues of education were addressed accordingly.

“We want to work with partners to ensure education is not about the basic normal courses like masonry and dress making but introduce new programmes like design and beauty therapy beside others to make it attractive for our students,” said Nzioka.

On health, Nzioka noted that he will contact his counterpart of health and ensure the interpreters are employed to especially assist the persons who have a challenge in hearing to alleviate their burden besides ensuring rumps were put in all upcoming buildings.

Concerning representation, he said that it was the work of political parties, but promised that he will liaise with the governor to ensure the anomaly is corrected in the upcoming elections in 2027.

“I will speak to my counterpart in health to ensure sign interpreters are recruited in our health facilities. Also we expect all new buildings being constructed in the county to have rumps and lifts to make them friendly to the PWDs,” he said.

He observed that the county government was in the process of collecting data of all PWDs in the county while adding that he will factor in a budget to cater for sports for PWDs in the 2023/2024 budget.

As per the last census, there are about 36,000 persons living with disabilities in the county.



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