Kisumu CECs finally assumes offices

Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o’s executive committee is now complete after 10 appointees took oath of office on Tuesday.

The swearing-in ceremony, presided over by Kisumu Chief Magistrate Grace Odera, was held at the governor’s office.

Judith Anyango Oluoch who had been picked to head Public Service and County Administration docket was the first to take the oath of office followed by Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development nominee Kennedy Hongo.

Medical Services, Public Health and Sanitation nominee Dr. Gregory Ganda was third to take oath of office before Marylene Yanzer who assumes the Water, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change docket tookthe podium.

Others who were sworn in included George Okong’o (Finance, Economic Planning and ICT), Kenneth Onyango (Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock Development and Irrigation), Salmon Orimba (Infrastructure, Energy and Public Works), Farida Salim Ahmed (Tourism, Trade and Industry), John Owiti (Education) and Beatrice Odongo (Sports, Culture, Gender and Youth Affairs).

The swearing in brings to an end a tussle between the governor and members of the civil society in the area who had accused him of failing to meet the gender threshold in his cabinet.

Nyong’o countered the accusations by appointing four women to head crucial dockets in his administration.

The ceremony which comes four days after the assembly vetted and approved the nominees now paves way for the governor to embark on his transformation agenda which hinges on completion of ongoing projects at the lakeside city.

Speaking during the ceremony, Nyong’o said a lot was expected from the team asking them to adhere to the rule of law as they administer their duties to help transform the county.

Top on the executive committee’s agenda, he said, was the signing of a Sh32 billion pact between the county government of Kisumu and a United Kingdom (UK) firm, United Green Investment.

The agreement which is expected to be signed in Nairobi later this week targets to revitalize food production and agriculture in the area.

Also targeted is the revival of fish production, cotton farming and dairy production which have nosedived.

“I am supposed to be in Nairobi to prepare for the signing of the agreement but I cannot go alone. I need to be accompanied by some of my CECs. I was advised that I could not go with them to sign the agreement when they have not been sworn in,” he said.

Other matters before the Cabinet, he said, was discussion of a report on the recent fire that razed down property worth millions of shillings at a section of Jua Kali area in Kisumu city.

Speaking during the same occasion, Kisumu County Assembly Speaker Elisha Oraro asked the CECs to administer their duties diligently to ensure proper service delivery to the people of Kisumu.

He said the County Assembly will oversight their roles to ensure that area residents get value for the money sent to the devolved unit.

To foster good working relations, the assembly’s Liaison Committee, he said, will organize a meeting with the CECs to work out modalities of better service delivery.

“There is no way we are going to work if we are pulling in different directions yet we are serving the same public,” he said.



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