MCA offers village elders radio call gadgets to fix insecurity

Security has been boosted in Mautuma Ward in Lugari Sub-County of Kakamega after the local Member of County Assembly bought for elders under the Nyumba Kumi committee some communication gadgets to help police their respective villages.

Charles Anyona, Mautuma Ward MCA donated the radio call gadgets to the elders to improve their communication networks while handling the ran-away insecurity that had dogged the area in recent times.

He told at least 24 Nyumba Kumi elders during a meeting at the Mautuma Location chiefs camp that he was optimistic that the gadgets will help them coordinate issues pertaining security especially during this festive period.

Anyona said as one of the leaders in his ward he will only settle if security agencies including village elders were facilitated to run their operations smoothly especially during the late-night hours when criminal gangs were in action.

He said he had settled on radio calls rather than mobile phones because they were cost effective and could operate without airtime in cases of emergency.

“In the first-place radio calls network is full, secondly they don’t need airtime and with this I am convinced that there is nothing that can happen without the report reaching the police,” Anyona told the village elders.

Further the MCA distributed through area chief modern charged led torches to assist the elders at night while carrying out their duties.

The MCA also promised to buy gumboots for easy movement of the elders during rainy season.

“In terms of security in Mautuma Ward I want to assure you that I am solidly behind madam chief,” he said.

Anyona also revealed that he has assigned one of his vehicles to area chief during emergency cases even during night hours.

“As I told you madam last time, just call my driver any time during emergency and he will be there to assist,” Anyona stressed but promised to lead campaign against school children who ride boda boda while they are at home.

He announced his intention to hold a meeting with boda boda operators in the ward to sensitise them on the dangers of allowing unqualified riders on the roads regretting they were the cause of an increase in the cases of accident cases.

On her part, Mautuma Location Pamela Kulalu hailed the MCA move for being concern over challenges facing village elders and her office while discharging duties.

“We thank you MCA for standing with us in security matters, you grew up here in Mautuma and you understand this place well,” Chief Kulalu said.

Chief acknowledged the challenges in communicating with Nyumba Kumi lead elders in times of emergency and now that they have only charged radio calls without need of airtime, the work will be easy.

Kulalu also welcomed other leaders in Mautuma location to emulate the MCA move by seeing how they can chip in with similar gesture especially now that were headed for the Christmas festive season.



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