Administrators urged to work together to stop cattle theft

Chiefs whose jurisdictions lie on the border of the Maasai and Kipsigis communities in Transmara should work jointly to help mitigate cases of cattle theft.

Addressing the press in Kilgoris Town, acting senior Chief Oronkai Location, David Ole Sein said that forging unity among administrators will go a long way to eradicate the vice.

“Issues of cattle theft on the border of Transmara West and Transmara East had been eliminated in the past but lately we have seen the vice slowly creeping back,” he lamented.

He called for a close working relationship between the administrators and all stakeholders, which he noted, can reverse the situation by curbing the crime for good.

The call comes even as a suspect was arrested in Simotwet Village over the weekend with stolen cattle after members of the public reported the theft.

Sein’s comments were echoed by his Ololmasani counterpart Richard Bett who bemoaned the increasing cases of stock theft in the region as he hailed collaboration between the government and youth from the two neighboring communities which has been exhibited in the recent past adding that it should be strengthened further to help eradicate crime.

“The cordial working relationship between the public especially youth and administrators has in the past seen a reduction in crime cases in Transmara which I feel should be revisited moving forward,” he said as he urged residents to report any strange and suspicious persons seen in their localities.



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