Amend the constitution to give Ward Fund legal backing, MPs told

Nandi Members of County Assembly (MCAs) have petitioned parliament to amend the constitution to give Ward Development Fund a legal backing.

Speaking after unanimously passing the motion to establish the County Ward Fund tabled by Kaptuma MCA Isaac Mosbei, the MCAs said the kitty will help to initiate development projects in their wards.

Mosbei who is also the North Rift Representative of County Assemblies Forum said the development funds that come from the County government kitty in most cases sponsor county projects, leaving out projects at ward level.

He said in most cases, MCAs have been blamed because people don’t see their work yet they don’t have funds to fund various projects. “Ward is the smallest unit of governance which needs funding for people to enjoy devolution at the grass root level,” he said.

This comes after Members of Parliament at the National Assembly rolled out the amendment process that will see the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) entrenched in law after it was ruled out as illegal by the Supreme Court.

Kemelio-Maraba Ward representative Ms Truphena Kuto said similarly like the MPs, they want a certain percentage of money set aside for ward development to enable the community enjoy fruits of devolution.

“Just like the National Government is pushing for the NG-CDF, we also want the Ward Fund included in their motion,” she said.

Her sentiments were also echoed by MCA of Kosirai Ward Sarah Rubety who said the Fund will help to finance projects at the Ward level. “Since we are in charge at ward level, we also need a kitty to enable us to initiate and finance various projects,” she said.

Nandi County joins the list of over 40 Counties that have passed a law to create Ward Fund.



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