Baringo women entrepreneurs urged to embrace cooperatives

Baringo senatorial aspirant William Cheptumo has pledged to give maximum support to the establishment of large cooperative societies in the region to spur economic growth and improve livelihoods.

Speaking at Kabarnet Municipal market on Tuesday after being cleared by IEBC to run for senatorial seat, Cheptumo pointed out that many of small and medium scale traders in the county were not benefiting from their businesses owing to debts accrued from buying of goods.

He noted that the incomes the traders were getting from the market were minimal and could hardly sustain them and their families.

The third time Baringo North legislator said that if he secures the senatorial seat, he will team up with the county governor to make sure that traders constitute an umbrella cooperative where the many existing women groups shall borrow loans to enable them boost and expand their enterprises.

“It will be easier for the members of groups to be supported when they are organized in cooperative societies because interest rates will be much lower,” he said.

The MP said top on his agenda is to support small businesses because apart from them being dependable people in the society, they also greatly contribute to local economies.

Cheptumo added that he shall look into the infrastructure of all market places in the county to see to it that the entrepreneurs are working in a clean and enabling environment devoid of heap of garbage and litter.

At the same time, the legislator who will be vying on a UDA ticket said he would team up with other senators to see to it that resource allocation share to counties is upscaled and prudently utilized.

He noted that mega dam projects in the county like Chemususu, Kirandich, Amaya, Radat and Perekei in Koibatek, Baringo Central, Tiaty, South and North respectively required huge funding beyond the county allocations which he was ready to spearhead.

The Baringo legislator will be battling it out with Senator Gideon Moi who was cleared on Monday by IEBC to defend his seat on KANU ticket.



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