Clergy urges President to embrace selfless leadership 

A clergy based in Kericho County has asked the President-Elect Dr. William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua to embrace the spirit of humility and selfless leadership as they seek to deliver their manifesto to Kenyans after they are sworn into office.

In an interview with KNA at his office Tuesday, Bishop James Bett of the Faith Ministry International Church (FMIC) urged the two to work with all the leaders and Kenyans irrespective of their political party affiliations, religion or race without showing bias and maintain a united front for the sake of Kenyans who elected them to office.

“As you embark on your new posts it is our prayer that God grants you wisdom and guidance to deliver your manifesto to all Kenyans without bias and remain united as God has put you both to lead this great country to great heights,” said Bett.

He thanked religious leaders in the country for demonstrating a united front as they engaged in praying for the country before, during and after the elections adding that they would continue praying for the President-Elect and his deputy as they delivered their mandate to Kenyans terming their win as a win for the church.

Bett thanked Kenyans for maintaining peace during the general elections and for remaining tolerant when the presidential results were challenged at the Supreme Court.

On Monday, the seven judge bench at the Supreme Court led by Chief Justice Martha Koome unanimously upheld the outcome of the presidential election and dismissed all eight petition grounds filed by Raila Odinga and declaring Dr. Ruto as the President-Elect.

On August 15, the Chairman of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Wafula Chebukati declared Dr. William Ruto as the winner of the 2022 hotly contested presidential race after he garnered 7.1 million votes while Mr. Raila Odinga attained 6.9 million votes.



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