Clerics urge all elected leaders to work together

The Garissa pastor’s fellowship is now calling on all elected leaders to work together and foster peace and development irrespective of their party or coalition affiliation.

In statement to the press in Garissa town today, the Christian clerics led by their chair Rev. Joseph Muasya said that the process of healing and uniting the nation ‘should start in earnest’.

“Even as we gather here to congratulate all winners in the just concluded general elections, we would like to reiterate that, the peace we are witnessing in the country should continue to prevail. This should be rallying call for elected leaders,” the statement read.

“We thank the Almighty God for the peace witnessed before, during and after the elections. It is indeed clear that God heard our prayers and granted us a peaceful election and leaders. We reiterate that the peace and tranquility coupled with prayers must form the foundation in which our new country Kenya should be built upon,” it further read.

On Monday, the Supreme Court judges upheld president-elect William Ruto’s victory dismissing all the petitions that had been filed by the Raila Odinga led Azimio coalition among other petitioners and thus paving the way for his inauguration on Tuesday next week.

Rev. Muasya who is the minister of the church of the Rock in his speech said that president-elect William Ruto should also prioritize uniting the country, fix the dilapidated economy and deliver on the pledges he made to Kenyans.

“Ruto is not only our 5th president by a symbol of unity for our beloved country Kenya. The season of politics is now behind us. We hope to see the president elect quickly embark on addressing the high cost of living and ensure basic commodities are affordable,” Muasya said.

On his part pastor Ibrahim Kamwara of East Africa Pentecostal Church (EAPC) called on both outgoing president Uhuru Kenyatta and Dr. Ruto to reconcile and put their differences aside.

“As the Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:18, elections bring competition to an end. We hope going forward that any competition that existed between our leaders will come to an end and that they will unite and serve Kenyans and their respective capacities,” Kamwara said.

Pastor Kamwara called on elected leaders right from the national and county to move with speed and come up with measures to address the biting drought in North Eastern that is worsening by the day and putting both human and livestock lives at great danger.



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