Contractors in Bungoma want Lusaka administration to clear pending bills

Bungoma County contractors want the area governor Ken Lusaka to pay their arrears left pending by the previous regime under former Governor Wycliffe Wangamati.

Speaking to the press on Monday after a joint meeting, contractors led by Gabriel Wamalwa vented their frustrations and said arrears amounting to Sh1 billion was not paid by the previous regime of former governor Wangamati.

Wamalwa said this has really demoralised the local contractors and pleaded with the Lusaka administration to step in and pay.

“Some of us cannot continue running our companies due to non-payment by the previous administration,” Wamalwa said.

Wamalwa faulted former governor for awarding tenders with huge amounts to outsiders and paying them promptly at the expense of locals.

“That is a regime we as local contractors suffered under and we plead with governor Lusaka to work with us as he promised on the campaign trail,” he said.

He also called on the county government to follow the right procedure while awarding tenders to local contractors so that there is no push and pull during payment.

“We should stop the culture of calling contractors and awarding tenders to companies that aren’t registered, let us follow the law in awarding tenders,” he said.

He called on all contractors to get registered and work as a team so that in the event of encountering bottlenecks, they can support each other.



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