County to Rejuvenate the Health Sector for Enhanced Service Delivery

Vihiga county government is putting in place modalities to boost health services to the people.

The County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for health services Inonda Mwanje has said that the health sector has been unable to live up to the expectation of the residents.

This comes against the backdrop of complaints of lack of essential drugs and negligence of duty by staff at the county referral hospital in Mbale town.

He disclosed that there is an ongoing investigation to get to the bottom of the problems bedeviling the medical services with a view to finding lasting solutions.

The health workers have been taking issue with the county government for failing to honour a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that had recommended promotion and re-designation.

In the run-up to the August 9th, 2022 general elections, governor Dr. Wilber Ottichilo, pledged to implement the CBA once re-elected.



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