DCC warns against night campaigns

Mwala Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) David Tegutwa has asked politicians to conduct campaigns within the timelines stipulated by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Tegutwa said campaigns conducted during the night pose a security threat and appealed to politicians to stick to the 7am- 6pm schedule. “Avoid night campaigns and meetings as criminals may take advantage and cause mayhem. It will also make it difficult for the police to enforce the law,” he said.

Speaking today during a security briefing for candidates at the DCC’s hall, the administrator cautioned politicians against politicizing security matters when seeking votes.

“Don’t drag the police in your political campaigns. We have invested a lot as a country to professionalize the police service and should there be any lapse please escalate it to the relevant authorities,” said Tegutwa.

The DCC also dissuaded politicians and their supporters against attacking or intimidating IEBC officials saying such action will attract severe consequences.

“You should not attack IEBC officials or destroy any materials that belong to the commission. If aggrieved seek audience through the available channels,” he noted.

On use of school buses and school grounds, the administrator said campaign activities that will disrupt learning will not be allowed.

“Keep off schools, the academic year is very short and the learners need ample time and environment to study,” said Tegutwa.

Speaking at the same briefing, Mwala Returning Officer Collins Mutua cautioned politicians against destroying fellow contestants posters terming it an electoral offence.

“Do not put posters on top of another candidate’s posters. You should also seek permission when putting posters on private premises,” said Mutua.

He echoed the DCC’s sentiments on campaign timelines.

“Campaigns will be done between 7am to 6pm until August 6.We will have officers on the ground to monitor,” said the returning officer.



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