Employees Numbers not adding up, Badilisha is worried 

Nyandarua Governor Moses Badilisha Kiarie has called for an immediate physical audit and head count of all county employee in a bid to weed out ghost workers.

Speaking to the press outside his Ol Kalou town office, Badilisha noted that the county lacked a dependable, harmonised and definite record on the number of its employees.

“Some employees produced letters signed by the County Secretary and the chair to the County Public Service Board, while others were signed by the chair in the absence of the secretary and are not even backed up with minutes,” noted Badilisha.

He noted that the payroll unit was providing two conflicting figures with the Human Resource unit providing another figure which showed a difference of 360 employees.

The County boss who was reacting to a report by a taskforce formed to look into various issues in county noted that the move will see service delivery streamlined and seal loopholes for squandering of public funds.

On pending bills, the governor noted that there was a discrepancy in figures provided by the assumption committees and those submitted by the department with other bills indicating that they had been cleared.

He noted that a physical verification of documents and project undertaken will be conducted to establish a payment framework for the genuine projects.

He further noted that the taskforce had identified an acute shortage of drugs and health personnels across all health facilities in the county with his administration seeking to address the same.



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