Give the government time to reduce cost of living, urges Kandara MP

Kandara MP Alice Wahome has urged Kenyans to give the new government time to work on modalities of lowering cost of living.

Referring to the recent hike of the fuel prices, Wahome observed that there are some strategies which the government will adopt in near future to have the prices reduced.

Speaking at Makenji Primary school while commissioning newly renovated classrooms, the MP pleaded with Kenyans to give President William Ruto and his government a chance to settle down, since they were working very hard to stabilize the situation.

In the recently announced prices of fuel by Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority, price of super petrol increased by Sh20 to a record high of Sh179.30 per litre, Diesel increased by Sh25 to Sh165, while Kerosene increased by Sh20 to retail at Sh147.94 in Nairobi.

Wahome defended the new prices saying they are in line with the new government policy to remove subsidies on petroleum products.

“The fuel subsidies are not manageable and the government’s policy to remove them is aimed at supporting recovery of the economy. Soon new measures will be put in place and the prices of not only fuel but also other basic commodities will come down,” she added.

The lawmaker said doing away with subsidies on fuel and food is a necessity, arguing that they are a huge burden to the exchequer and often lead to product shortages.

The subsidies, she said, were mostly benefiting a few individuals and some multinational companies, observing that there is a need to remove cartels who have rocked the energy sector.

Elsewhere, Matatu operators in Murang’a have increased fares by more than 20 percent after the hike of fuel.

Fare from Murang’a to Nairobi went up from Sh250 to 300. Passengers traveling from Thika to Murang’a and vice versa will be forced to pay Sh200 from Sh100.

Some of matatu operators who spoke to KNA decried the increased fuel prices, saying despite increasing transport cost, they will be subjected to losses since cost of vehicle maintenance has also gone up.



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