Government commits to pursuing proposals

Meru county government has committed to liaising with relevant players and agencies in the public and private sector in pursuit of implementing development initiatives in all sectors.

Speaking to the media in Meru town, Governor Kawira Mwangaza said each department had embarked on interacting with key stakeholders to enhance public participation ahead of implementing priority projects as approved by the beneficiaries.

Mwangaza said provision of enough water for domestic and agricultural activities was among the identified priorities her government intended to work on, saying with water at the community level, almost all social and health-related issues would be solved.

She said although Meru County is usually listed as a potential area due to the proximity to Mount Kenya, several areas in the region were prone to perennial drought due to natural and human causes, such as inadequate rainfall and tree felling for charcoal burning, firewood and timber without proper replacement.

The county boss said measures had already been put in place to ensure the law was enforced accordingly across the county, to ensure nobody was left to carelessly engage in activities likely to directly affect water catchment areas for individual gains, while the larger population was subjected to being food poor and without water.

The Governor said she was aware that some areas were identified for the construction of grand dams to supply water throughout the year, where the beneficiaries would have the opportunity to remain active in their farms for food production enough for domestic consumption along with having surplus for sale.

She assured the public that her government was committed to keenly looking into the dam construction proposals with the intention of approaching like-minded partners and willing donors to ensure all sub-counties in the region were able to produce enough along with enhancing the county socio-economic development and growth.

“We will strive to exploit existing potential in the water and agriculture sector to boost production, to remove the shame of Meru County being listed areas to be considered for supply of relief food along with counties in the north eastern area,” the Governor said.

The governor was optimistic that many other players will soon emulate the Lewa Conservancy in partnering with the county government in the construction of dams across the county, saying the conservancy had already committed to chipping in for the construction of the proposed 150 million litres of water dam in Buuri East sub-county.

She said when completed and commissioned for use by the community, there would be a lasting solution to water problems currently being experienced in Subuiga, Matunda, Ntumburi and the larger Buuri constituency.

Mwangaza said among the dam proposals to be considered for implementation included one along the Kithino river in Imenti south sub-county.

“For the county government to deliver on its development work plan to improve on the livelihoods of the Meru people, we remain committed to promoting consultation with all players led by the executive and the county assembly, since the MCAs were better placed to identify and prioritize the needs of the people they represent,” Mwangaza said.



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