Government to Establish Data and Information for Minerals

The government is in the process of putting in place an accurate data and information of all minerals available in the country.

The incoming Principal Secretary in the State Department for Mining Mr. Elijah Mwangi said since there has never been a one stop-shop for information on the country’s minerals, the data and information will help explorers and investors who want to invest in the country access the information they need.

“The government has already initiated a process of geophysical survey on which I will take the report to implement it,” he said, adding that the department will be quantifying the quality of the minerals.

Mwangi was speaking Monday at Transcom House during the handing over ceremony where he assumed office from the outgoing Principal Secretary for Petroleum and Mining, Eng. Andrew Kamau.

While commending Kamau for his achievements in the department, the incoming PS said the legislation on mining has already been signed by the ministry’s Cabinet Secretary of which he will implement it to the letter to curb illegal mining in Migori and other counties.

“The ministry will safeguard those in the sector and we are requesting the stakeholders in the ministry to join hands to help those who don’t have permits, the unlicensed and those with expired licenses and permits,” said Mwangi.

He said that people are aware of the Ukraine effect on the spike of fuel prices and assured that the government is working on the issue in order to come up with legislations to ensure that whenever there is a drop in the market, it is reflected in the country.

Mwangi noted that his vision for the department is centered on the issue of new licensing for future investors and explorers seeking an exploration license.

Later, Kamau also handed over the State Department of Petroleum to the incoming Principal Secretary Mohamed Lebon at a ceremony held at the Nyayo House Offices, where he congratulated him following his new appointment.



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