Homa Bay county passes ‘Equitable Development Fund Bill

Homa Bay County Assembly has approved the County Wards Equitable Development Fund bill, a move that the house believes will ensure development at the ward level.

The bill was debated on and supported by the majority of the Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) in a motion tabled to the assembly last Wednesday.

Speaking after the session, Speaker Julius Gaya said that if approved at the National Assembly, the development fund will aid in the execution of development plans at the ward level by the MCAs without having to depend much on the County government for allocation of resources.

Gaya said that it would be the first time ever since devolution that the MCAs would have their own fund for ward-based development purposes.

The Majority Leader of the Assembly Richard Ogindo reiterated that the fund would only be used for development of the wards and not for individual MCAs’ use.

“The fund will be managed by a manager appointed by the Governor and it will not be pocketed by any MCA for personal use but will aid in the development projects at the ward level,” Ogindo said.

He added that the development fund would ensure service delivery to the residents within the wards.



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