Igwamiti Hopefuls Unite to Woo Congregants

Residents of Nyahururu were on Sunday treated to a rare sight of unity after all the 18 candidates vying for the Igwamiti ward in Laikipia County, worshipped in one church.

Nyahururu Christian Foundation Fellowship (CFF) church, was a host to the 18, who arrived in different styles to woo the congregants, selling their candidature in peace.

Speaking to KNA, Nelson Mbari (independent) said that they decided to walk together ahead of the August polls to foster peace.

“Peace is key in this populous cosmopolitan area of Igwamiti. This ward has attracted many aspirants as it also accounts for the largest share of Laikipia’s population,” noted Mbari.

The leaders who first met in a hotel, before moving to the church by different means including riding on motorcycles, walking and driving took the chance to also ask for votes from the worshipers, although it had been agreed earlier “to just say the name and symbol.”

Nominated MCA, Irene Wacuka, who is seeking the Igwamiti ward seat on UDA ticket said the rare unity will go a long way in pacifying their supporters.

Apostle John Kyagaba, urged the politicians to nurture integrity saying the country yearned for trustworthy leaders.

“Are you trustworthy?” he posed adding that God will not entrust management of the public matters to a person who is not trustworthy.

He urged Kenyans to be active in serving God as they are in politics.

Mbari, a longtime ally of veteran politician the late GG Kariuki told the press that the MCAs planned to have a joint public debate where residents of the populous ward will have a chance to gauge them on various topics.



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