Karua in Njoro

Azimio la Umoja presidential running mate has continued to woo voters into electing them into office in the upcoming General Election saying that their competitors have nothing to offer.

Speaking at Ole Tipis area in Njoro sub-county after a series of roadside campaigns Monday Karua observed that Kenyans were tired of empty promises and in dire need of good leadership to better their lives.

‘’ This calls for the resources available to be jealously guarded to ensure that there is development sustainability,’’ she said

According to her, Kenyans have felt the brunt of the economy since the resources are being squandered and this should stop to speed up economic growth.

Karua warned that those misusing public funds would be dealt with severely in accordance to the law and urged Kenyans maintain peace ahead, during and after the August 9 election.

Other areas where Karua held rallies include Mwisho wa Lami, Nessuit, Likia, Mauche and Mau-Narok.

She was accompanied by area governor, Lee Kinyanjui, Murangá Women Rep Sabina Chege, Ledama Ole Kina, senatorial aspirant under the Jubilee party, Lawrence Karanja, and area women representative aspirant, Agnes Njambi among other Azimio la Umonja supporters.



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