KCPE student who fell ill during exams dies

A Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidate at Moneke Primary School in Kitutu Central Sub-County, Kisii, who fell after sitting for a day one paper, has died.

According to the area Police Commander Antony Keter, the pupil managed to do the Mathematics paper but could not continue with the exams due to illness and was rushed to the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital (KTRH) where she was admitted.

“The pupil did not even manage to finish the exam well because of illness. By bad luck, during the process of receiving treatment at the facility, the pupil passed on,” said Keter.

Keter pointed out that the parents revealed the class 8 candidate had been unwell for quite some time including when they brought her to sit for the exams on Monday morning.

The body has since been transferred to the facility’s mortuary awaiting post-mortem.



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