Kenta withdraw the petition challenging governor Ntutu’s election

The former Narok gubernatorial aspirant Moitalel Ole Kenta has filed an application in court seeking to withdraw an election petition he had filed challenging the election of Governor Patrick Ntutu.

Kenta through his advocate Professor Tom Ojienda sought to withdraw the case citing influence from the family members, community and religious organizations who asked him to drop it.

He also said the prolonged electoral contestation over the Narok gubernatorial election will be prejudicial to the unity, public interest, cohesion and developmental vision of the Narok people.

Kenta was the first petitioner, and his running mate William Oltetia second petitioner, both of who had challenged the validity of the Narok gubernatorial elections. The case had been set to be heard from Monday, 14th, November 2022.

He had named the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC), the County Elections Manager Mr. Sidney Namulungu, Narok Governor Patrick Ntutu, and his deputy Tamalinye Koech the first, second, third and fourth respondents in that order.

Presiding judge lady justice Teresiah Matheka granted the petitioners their request.

In a separate interview, Kenta said his move was fueled by a series of meetings with the religious leaders led by Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Arch Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit and Council of Elders led by Mzee Keleena Ole Nchoe who urged him to withdraw the case for the sake of unity and development in the county.

Sapit had also pleaded with former Narok Governor Samuel Tunai to withdraw a case he had filed against the validity of the Senatorial election outcome in the county.

Sapit had observed that every time there was an election in the county, people took a long time to heal because of delayed cases in court.

The advocates from the respondents’ side led by Kilukumi and co Advocates requested the court to grant them two days to draw their responses on the application made.



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