Kericho Governor nominates his Executives

Names of ten persons nominated to serve as the County Executive Committee Members in the Kericho County Government have unveiled and forwarded to the County Assembly of Kericho for approval.

Governor Dr Eric Mutai announced his dream team of the County Executive Committee Members (CECM) in a colourful event Thursday morning outside the Kericho County government offices.

During the event, Dr Mutai expressed confidence that the persons nominated as CEC members had the competence to serve in their designated capacities with excellence and integrity.

“In line with Article 179(2) (b) of the Constitution of Kenya and Section 35 of the County Government Act 2012, I have this morning nominated and forwarded to the County Assembly the names of County Executive Committee Members for approval,” said Dr. Mutai.

Ngetich Leonard Kipkoech has been nominated to be the CECM for Finance and Economic planning while Daniel Kipkorir Rop will be the CEC Member for Agriculture, Livestock, and Cooperative Management.

Also during the occasion, Edna Chepkirui Tonui was nominated to be the CEC Member for Health Services while Lawrence Bii Kipkoech will be the CECM for Education, Culture, Libraries, and Social Services.

The department of Information, Communication and E-Government, Youth Affairs, Gender, and Sports has been allocated to Judith Chepkorir who will be the CECM as Cheruiyot Langat Brian will head the Lands, Housing, and Physical Planning department as the CEC Member.

At the same time, Eng Eric Kipngetich Koech has been nominated as the CECM for Public Works, Roads, and Transport while his counterpart Brenda Bii Bill will head the Public Service Management as the CECM.

The governor also announced that the department of Trade, Industrialisation, Innovation, Tourism, and Wildlife will be headed by Bernard Bii as the CECM and his colleague Rosemary Chepkirui Rop will be the CECM for Water, Environment, Energy, Forestry, and Natural Resources.

Meanwhile, in the selection process of the CEC Members, Dr Mutai mentioned that all the six sub-counties in Kericho County were represented noting that among the 10 nominated CECs, four slots were granted to women while three were given to the youth.

“We are one of the few Counties to take care of our women having four of them as executives in Kericho county government and that is a milestone for our County,” added Dr Mutai.

In pursuant to Articles 42(2) and 35 of County Government Act No.17 of 2012, Dr Mutai also Nominated Dr Wesley K. Bor as the Ccounty Secretary and Head of the County Public Service Board while Mr Vincent Kigen was nominated as the County Chief of Staff.

In his parting shot, the governor said that he shall be making other Executive appointments in due course to enhance service delivery in the County and wished all the CEC members the very best in their new roles.

According to chapter 11 part 2 of the Constitution, the executive authority of the county is vested in and exercised by, a county executive committee which consists of the county governor and the deputy county governor; members appointed by the county governor, with the approval of the assembly.



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