Kibicho refutes claims on rigging of the forthcoming elections

Interior Principal Secretary Eng. Karanja Kibicho has faulted a section of leaders who are claiming the government is using administration officers to rig the forthcoming elections.

On Tuesday the PS said some leaders allied to Kenya Kwanza Coalition are not happy with the meeting Interior officers are organizing with national government administrative officers fearing the meetings are meant to influence the outcome of the next elections.

He termed allegations of buying of national identity cards of residents as wild saying the work of interior administrators is to maintain peace and serve all Kenyans.

“It’s ridiculous for one to think the government is buying IDs through chiefs, for what purpose? Let politicians campaign and sell their manifestos without tainting the names of chiefs and their assistants,” he stated.

As officers of the interior ministry, Kibicho observed that they usually hold security meetings occasionally saying the forums did not start this time the country is waiting for general elections.

“We have been meeting chiefs and other members of NGAO, now waking up and start telling us we are buying IDs is just pointless and maybe you have sensed early defeat,” he added after meeting members of NGAO in Murang’a University of Technology.

The PS insisted that as government officers they are mandated to maintain security and they are determined to ensure elections are done in a peaceful environment.

In the recent past, a section of leaders allied to Kenya Kwanza alleged that the government is out to assist the Azimio presidential candidate win the next election by ensuring low voter turnout in areas where the coalition is popular.

Kibicho asked the county security team to be on alert and avert any incident that could lead to chaos during and after the elections.

“We are also doing civic education to inform people to elect leaders of integrity. When we advise our people not to elect corrupt leaders, some people are becoming angry yet we did not mention anyone’s name,” he further said.

The PS observed it’s crucial for Kenyans to look at issues of transparency, integrity among others on all those seeking various elective positions.

Kibicho further hit out at those accusing the president of appointing the assumption office committee saying the law allows for that.

“The assumption committee was there in 2013 and 2017 to ensure transition of governance is in accordance with the law and so those complaining about the members of the committee should refer to the constitution,” he noted.



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