Kieni farmers benefitted with farm equipment

Four farmers’ groups from Kieni east and Kieni west sub counties have benefited with farm equipment from the County Government of Nyeri, National Government and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) through the Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme, Phase Two (ASDSP II).

The farm machinery for each group included a tractor 18.5 Hp, equipped with a double disc plough and potato harvester.

Speaking while issuing the equipment, Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga said the tractor will promote potato production mechanization, lower labour cost and thus increase the value chain’s productivity.

Kahiga added that the County Government of Nyeri is committed to continue collaborating with ASDSP II to increase agricultural productivity in the county noting that agriculture is the backbone of Kenyan economy.

The beneficiary groups include Kianjogu Kiambogo Commercial Village (Mugunda ward), Mwitirithia Women Group (Mweiga ward), Gikamba Commercial Village (Narumoru/Kiamathaga ward) and Kairi Youth Group (Kabaru ward).

ASDSP II is one of the key programmes designed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives in all the 47 counties to contribute to addressing food and nutrition security and promote manufacturing.

It is primarily designed to enhance the capacity of different Priority Value Chain Actors at different levels to tackle the problems that hinder commercialization of agriculture.

Together with partners such as the National Government, the Swedish Government and the European Union, Nyeri County aims to realize its potential to alleviate poverty for thousands of families and achieve shared prosperity.



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