KIHBT to establish a centre in Busia County

The Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology (KIHBT) is set
to establish a training centre in Teso North constituency, in Busia

Once operational, the centre will offer courses that will address the
human resource needs of not only Teso North constituency but the
entire Western region.

Speaking at Rwatama in Angurai South Ward during the site handover
event to KIHBIT, area Member of Parliament Oku Kaunya said the training centre
will greatly benefit the local community as it will minimise the
training costs they have been incurring to send students to far flung
institutions for training.

“I am appealing to Teso North residents and other stakeholders to
support the project fully. Once complete the institution will
economically empower the local community and uplift the social status
of the area.

“The institute will also bring a lot of changes to the area. The
youths will be trained while the locals will have a variety of
business opportunities at their disposal because the students will
require where to live, where to eat and where to shop,” Kaunya said.

Kaunya called for a closer working relationship among the elected
leaders in Teso North for the sake of development of the

He said the projects being implemented in the area whether they
originate from the national or county government need everyone’s
support as they are meant to benefit the residents.

He said: “Let us shun divisive politics and work together. The
electioneering period is now behind us and all the community wants is

KIHBIT Director Maurice Nabende, who received the site’s title deed on
behalf of the institute, lauded the MP for giving them an opportunity
to expand to other parts of the country.

“We are very grateful for the gesture. We are going to work together
with the MP to develop a better training institute here in Rwatama,”he

Area Member of County Assembly Joseph Eseme thanked Kaunya for picking
his ward as the location for the Training centre saying it will
immensely change the status of the area.

Rwatama residents who are set to directly benefit from the project
expressed gratitude for the initiative saying it will enhance the
community through creation of jobs and opening of business



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