Kisii health facilities get major facelift after devolution

Kisii County government has given facelift to various health facilities in efforts geared towards enhancing access to improved health services to the residents.

In a speech read by the County Executive Committee (CEC) member for Trade and Industry Edina Kangwana, Governor James Ongwae said the county has made substantial investments in various hospitals since the beginning of devolution to ensure residents get quality healthcare services.

“We have built a mother-child block at the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital (KTRH) to reduce maternal and infant mortality rate in our county,” stated Ongwae.

Ongwae noted that the 300-bed block would offer specialist services to women and children under one roof, adding that it would serve over 100,000 women and children in the larger Gusii region.

He further said the county government had built a 100-bed modern hospital at Nduru in South Mugirango and Marani in Kitutu Chache North to boost healthcare service delivery in sub-counties.

“These two hospitals comprise inpatient, outpatient, pediatric wards, theatres, and causalities units with modern diagnostic equipment. In Kenyenya Level 4 Hospital, we have built and equipped a modern theatre, children welfare clinic, and a sunk borehole,” the Governor added.

The county government partnered with Aga Khan Foundation to construct an ICT Centre with an internet connection in Kenyenya Level 4 Hospital that enabled healthcare workers to consult medical workers in various hospitals through an E-learning platform, he noted.

Ongwae said that they had also completed the construction of a modern mortuary in the Bomachoge Borabu sub-county that helped decongest the KTRH modern morgue.

The county government also acquired ten ambulances which were given to nine sub-county hospitals, and one was stationed at KTRH to enhance emergency handling and referrals to save lives.

The Governor also noted that most of the projects that the county government initiated at the beginning of devolution were complete and some were awaiting commissioning in the coming days.

The county currently has 25 hospitals, 37 health centres and 79 dispensaries, up from 9 hospitals, 25 health centres, and 47 dispensaries before devolution.



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