Kwale residents urged to reject divisive politics

Kwale County Governor Salim Mvurya is calling on the residents to reject inciting and divisive leaders in the August 9 General Election.

Governor Mvurya says voters should reject divisive politics for the county and country to enjoy “sustainable development, peace and progress”.

Mvurya says Kenyans should use the forthcoming general election as an opportunity to imbibe the culture of living in unity and tolerance for one another.

He said residents should continue to uphold peace and do away with leaders who want to divide them along tribal and religious lines through politics of division,

He also said the media should not give attention to politicians who have the propensity to cause chaos as a campaign tactic.

Mvurya who spoke at a public forum in Ukunda Township, Msambweni Sub County expressed concern over reckless and provocative statements by some local politicians.

Mvurya warned that inciting comments were counterproductive and dangerous especially in a multiethnic country like Kenya.

“The electorates should not be distracted by divisive elements seeking elective positions,” he said, adding that leaders have a duty to be temperate in their language and actions during the electioneering period.

The county boss said some leaders in pursuit of their selfish political interests would not mind resorting to playing to the public gallery in a bid to incite, spread hate and intolerance.

Mvurya says voters should use the forthcoming general polls to defeat divisive forces who polarize the society and seek to destroy what Kenya stands for.

Mvurya who is serving his second and final term as Governor advised the electorate to vote in leaders who are ‘transparent, responsive and accountable to the people’.

He said he has worked hard since 2013 to bring Kwale people together and aspirants dangling tribal bait to get into leadership must not be elected.



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