Lobbying for Bomet Speaker’s seat gains momentum

Passionate lobbying for the position of the speaker of Bomet County Assembly has gained serious momentum with the incumbent Nelson Mutai committed to defend his seat.

This is happening even as the Assembly is yet to hold its first seating owing to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries commission which is yet to gazette the nominated members of the County Assembly.

According to the County Assembly Clerk Isaack Kitur, Bomet Governor Professor Hillary Barchok would have already called for a special seating where both the elected and nominated MCAs will be sworn and election exercise for the speaker and deputy speaker to follow.

But even before that, Mutai has since shown keen interest in retaining his seat arguing that by electing him, it would be easier to have programmes he had set in his previous term carry on.

Mutai said he has had a fine working relationship with the executive arm of the County Government which resulted in delivery of essential services and development of the county.

Cosmas Korir, who shot to fame years back for having won more than Sh. 200 million from Sportspesa betting company, is another contender to beat.

Korir opted for the seat after he was trounced by Konoin Member of Parliament Brighton Yegon during the United Democratic Alliance party primaries that culminated to the just concluded general elections.

Before that, he worked in the department of agriculture in West Pokot County where he had resigned in accordance to Civil Servants regulations to contest for Konoin MP’s position.

A score of other budding and seasoned lawyers have equally shown interest in the seat but most of who have not yet gone public.

It should be noted that only four of the former MCAs of Bomet County Assembly including Philip Korir of Kipreres, Mutarakwa MCA Robert Langat, Charles Langat of Boito and Wesley Kiprotich of Chepchabas Ward, managed to retain their seats, meaning the 10 nominated as well 21 elected members are totally new in the house.



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