Local farmers asked to use available aid programmes improve their farming

Farmers in Lugari Sub-County have been challenged to upscale their efforts to fill the gap of food shortage currently being experienced in the country.

Western Region Kenya Cereals Enhancement Program Coordinator Carol Kamau, while addressing a group of farmers at Quackers Church Lumakanda, called on the farmers to use available opportunities offered by the government and non-state organisations to boost food basket in the country.

She said there were many chances for farmers to boost their income through agricultural farming in the Sub-Counties of Lugari and Likuyani including its environment.

According to Kamau, farmers should organise themselves into groups so that they could ask for collective support to enhance their farming activities.

KCEP coordinator however regretted that some farmers were failing to fulfil some few conditions especially those offered by KCEP for them to be boosted with farm inputs or equipment which could generate income.

Kamau pleaded with farmers who wanted to work with them to fulfil the simple KCEP programme requirements so that they could enjoy multiple benefits.

She revealed that farmers who successfully fulfilled KCEP requirements have immensely benefited from different products and services since 2016.

Lugari Sub-County Agriculture Officer (SCAO) Wasike Kaikai also present in the meeting reiterated that the Sub-County has rich soil, which is ideal for different types of cereals, dairy and many forms of agriculture practices.

Kaikai asked farmers to utilise opportunities offered by KCEP to bring positive changes in agricultural practices.

SCAO singled out Lugari and Likuyani Sub-Counties as heavily depended on by Kakamega County in production of maize, and urged the farmers to use available best farming practices to boost its production.

“We have elaborate farming aid programmes which include KCEP determined to boost the living standards of farmers in the region,” Kaikai said in reference to efforts demonstrated by KCEP to boost the living standard of Lugari farmers.

Farmers who shared their experiences with KCEP programmes praised it for improving their lives through different forms of help.

Sabina Moraa, a farmer from Munyuki Location said KCEP fertilizer, maize seeds had enabled her to boost her farming practices since 2017.

“I can attest that my experience with KCEP has changed my farming methods seen in the way I plant my maize every year,” she said.



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