Lugari traders cry foul over delayed licensing

Traders in Mautuma Ward in Lugari Sub County have cried foul accusing Kakamega County Government authorities of deliberately delaying issuing them with business licenses.
Speaking to the press at the Mlimani Trading Center the businessmen and women claimed most of them paid for the renewal of their business licenses months ago but they have yet to receive them.
Stephen Asutsa who operates at Mlimani market said a majority of them paid for their licenses early enough but attempts to get them have been in vain with the County authorities taking them in circles.
“I applied for my license in April but I have made numerous follow-ups without success. At the moment I cannot even access business loans because my operating license is not up to date,” he stated.
Another trader Antony Obindi who runs businesses at Mlimani and Mukuyu market said the issue of licensing is affecting many small-scale traders across the County.
He said it is demoralizing for them to pay for the licenses and spend months waiting for them.
“Let the County Government address our concerns with urgency. We want it to ensure both small-scale and large-scale traders are served equally,” he said.
Another businessman Wycliffe Kaguli said the issue of licensing is immensely hurting their operations.
He disclosed that the County Government revenue collectors have been visiting their business premises and harassing them yet the fault is not theirs.
He said, “The county revenue collectors have been visiting our premises and harassing us. The moment you give them the license fee they tell you to wait they will deliver the license to you. Once they leave it is either you get it after a long waiting period or not.”
He added, “We are passing through a lot. Right now we cannot even apply for tenders where a business permit is a requirement. Our appeal to the County authorities is that there is a need to streamline the licensing section so that one gets the license within a day of application.”
Mautuma Member of County Assembly Charles Anyona told the press that it is unfortunate that approximately 40 percent of traders from the Ward who applied for license renewal six months ago are yet to receive them.
“It is quite saddening because most business owners survive with loans. Once you deny them the permits they cannot access loans or contracts,” Anyona said.
He gave the County licensing authorities an ultimatum of a week to ensure all those who applied got their licenses.
Anyona called for a thorough scrutiny of the revenue collection department to improve its efficiency.
“If approximately 40 percent of traders from this Ward alone applied for licenses and they are yet to get them it means the number is huge across the County and action must be taken both by the County Executive and the County Assembly,” he said.

Diaspora Editor

Diaspora Editor

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