Machakos health workers issue a strike notice

Health workers in Machakos County have issued a strike notice over what they termed as poor working conditions.

Led by Lower Eastern Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Chairperson Dr. Charles Okumu, the workers have given the county government six days to meet their demands failure to which they would down their tools.

Speaking to the press Monday at the Machakos Level Five Hospital, Dr Okumu said lack of promotions, understaffing and lack essential medical supplies were some of the key issues that the workers wanted resolved.

“Our members are overstretched and work for long posing a risk to the patients. It’s also disheartening that we ask patients to buy medical supplies because they are not available at the hospitals,” added the KPMDU chair.

Dr. Okumu said engagements with the county leadership including Governor Wavinya Ndeti to tackle the concerns raised have not borne any fruits forcing the workers to resort to the industrial action.

“We have had multiple engagements but there are no tangible results. The issues we have raised have gone on for far too long,” he added.

Dr. Okumu asked patients to seek for treatment in other counties following the looming strike.

The strike notice comes barely a week after the governor promised to look into the welfare of county staff.

Speaking outside her office when she received a taskforce report on the county personnel last Thursday, Wavinya promised promotion for officers who had stagnated in one job group for long.

“We will lay down structures to ensure officers get their promotions accordingly,” she promised.

Diaspora Editor

Diaspora Editor

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