Market traders demonstrate in Eldoret alleging harassment by county askaris

A group of traders operating within the Eldoret retail and wholesale market held a peaceful demonstration over alleged harassment.

The traders matched to the county government offices to seek an audience with the county administration saying the county enforcement officers usually pontificated and destroyed their goods.

They alleged that the enforcement officers with the protection of uniformed police officers stormed the market and destroyed their goods and property.

“Last night we received a call that our goods were being destroyed in the market that sent shivers in our stomachs, something that is unfair to us,” they complained.

The traders submitted they have struggled in the last regime under Governor Jackson Mandago and prayed that they will not be subjected to the same treatment during the current regime.

Janet Khalayi, a trader, said they have loans they have to service, adding that the affected traders have threatened to continue with the protests within the town’s CBD until the county government responds to their pleas.

Huruma ward member of county assembly (MCA) Kimani Wanjohi who joined the traders condemned the incident.

He appealed to Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Chelilim Bii to hold talks with traders to ensure their businesses are supported.

During Mandago’s 10-year regime fighting between the county askaris and the market traders was frequent.



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