Mfa Holds The 18th Ambassadors’ And High Commissioners’ Conference

The 18th Ambassadors and High Commissioners’ Conference themed “Delivering Greater Value by Leveraging on Kenya’s Diplomatic Footprint and Strategic Global Position,” was held from June 10 to 18, 2022 at the Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club in Nairobi.

The Conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, occurred against the back drop of the COVID-19 pandemic and towards the end of the decade-long Jubilee Administration.

The Conference accorded a deliberative platform to fully apprise Heads of Missions on Kenya’s Foreign Policy trajectory as well as craft a road-map on the future of both the Ministry and Foreign Service in light of the changing dynamics of the contemporary global system.

The Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Amb. Raychelle Omamo officiated the Opening Ceremony of the Conference. The Opening Statement set the pace for the Conference with highlights on the thematic issues that informed the theme of the Conference.

The address by the Principal Secretary Amb. Macharia Kamau, drew perspectives on the transitional nature of Kenya’s Foreign Policy in the near past and laid the foundation on the debate on the future of Kenya’s diplomacy.

The Conference climaxed with the recognition of the importance of cultural diplomacy manifest in the landmark cultural event and field visits to ICRAF and KONZA Technopolis for an experiential learning experience on Kenya’s multidimensional pathway of harnessing science and technology for socioeconomic development in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Conference which attracted the rich expertise of various speakers from the government, private sector and academia, provided a platform for the appointing authority to receive feedback on the delivery of the mandate of the Ministry and to give instructions.

Additionally, the Conference availed the opportunity for Envoys to interact with top representatives of stakeholder organizations including other Ministries/Departments/Agencies (MDAs), the Judiciary and Legislature and the private sector with the aim of strengthening joint action for delivery of the Foreign Policy Objectives.

Further, the Conference accorded a forum for discussion of administrative issues and challenges bedeviling Kenya Missions Abroad in a bid to find amicable interventions.

It is envisaged that the outcomes of the Conference deliberations will aid the Ministry and Government in the formulation and incorporation of strategies that would afford greater opportunities to strategically position Kenya on the global limelight.

A session on the audience with His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta provided an opportunity for the envoys to receive instructions from the appointing authority and to participate in a joint Diplomatic Address with the diplomatic corps in Nairobi.

The diplomatic golf and cultural night was dedicated to cultural and sports activities that promote networking and strengthening cooperation with stakeholders including selected public and private organizations. The double event provided opportunity for enhancing understanding of Kenya’s Cultural and Sports Diplomacy.

About 150 participants were present including the Cabinet Secretary, Principal Secretary, Director-Generals, Ambassadors and High Commissioners, Directors/Heads of Division/Unit, Facilitators, Invited Guests.

The Conference concluded with a Report of the discussions on the various thematic issues and the decisions taken on the way forward.



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