Migori Farmers Receive Bicycle Donations

In a response to the unprecedented inaccessibility problem to most rural farms in Migori County, an organization has reacted swiftly and designed a remote transport policy that would enable farmers reach their farms and deliver their produce to markets on time.

And to make this a reality, Ripple Effect, a non-governmental organization, in partnership with Buffalo Bicycle Company through a programme dubbed ‘World Bicycle Relief’ yesterday donated 100 bicycles to farmers at Paw-Nyuka grounds in Suna East Sub-County.

The organization’s Country Director Mr. Titus Sagala said the program that has used Sh3 million will have a greater impact on the farmers’ lives in terms of time management, income generation and environment conservation.

“The bicycle project portend a cheap means of transport that can reach even the remotest part of the county, bicycles use no fuel thus emit no fumes to pollute the environment and are easy to maintain,” explained Sagala.

The official noted that the organization was intending to increase the bicycle investment in the programme to over Sh10 million in the near future in Migori County alone.

The organization has so far donated other 200 bicycles to farmers in Bugoma and Busia Counties where the organization is also operating towards promoting the nutritional levels and financial income status of farmers.

Ripple Effect operates in Suna East and West Kanyamkago locations where over 500 farmers have so far benefited from trainings on new farming techniques, health matters especially on HIV-Aids and highly recommended nutritional foods.

The organization, according to Sagala has since 2016 championed promotion of livestock and poultry farming among the local farmers and would continue to support farmers earn more income and lead a healthy life through engagement in smart farming.

Speaking during the function, County Executive Committee (CEC) Member in charge agriculture, livestock and fisheries portfolio, Mr. Lucas Mosenda said the devolved government was keen to work together with the organization to promote both food and cash crop production in the area for the sake of a healthy population.

Mosenda and his counterpart in the environment portfolio Ms. Rahab Robi lauded the organisation’s bicycle programme saying it would go a long way in improving farmers’ accessibility to farms and markets in a region characterized by poor road networks.

The agriculture boss noted that the county was in serious shortage of agricultural extension officers who are able to assist farmers with vital information on new farming techniques adding that plans were on to recruit more of such officers.

He said government was keen on making the fisheries, livestock and agricultural sectors in the area more vibrant at all costs to improve on the lives of the local population through creating more employment.

Robi said her department would partner with the Ripple Effect in ensuring that forest cover is increased through planting of more trees.



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