Minor remanded for stabbing brother-in-law

A 14-year-old who was arraigned in court for allegedly stabbing his brother-in-law to death three months ago has been ordered to remain in juvenile remand prison for five more weeks.

The High Court in Eldoret ruled that the grade four pupil should continue to be held at the government-run facility for his personal security until it is confirmed that the ground is safe for him to be released on bond.

The minor who was in his full school uniform was accused alongside his 27-year-old sister Lucy Njeri, claimed to be a chang’aa dealer of killing his brother-in-law using a kitchen knife.

Presiding Judge Eric Ogola said, “I direct that the minor be held at the Juvenile children’s home as we assess the situation on the ground concerning his security, while the first accused be remanded at Eldoret women GK prison pending the outcome of the probation officer’s report.”

The two were arraigned in court in connection with the death of Jacob Kioni on August 7, 2022, at Manyatta estate in Moi’s Bridge within Uasin Gishu County.

The minor is said to have stabbed his brother-in-law using a kitchen knife as he attempted to separate the deceased from his co-accused as they were fighting over a cup of chang’aa.

Efforts to rescue the deceased were futile as he succumbed to the injuries upon arriving at Moi’s Bridge Sub County hospital.

The Judge directed that the matter be mentioned on November 17 when the probation officer’s report will be availed in court.

When they were first arraigned in court two months ago, Justice Ogola directed the suspects to be taken to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret to undergo mental assessment as well as age assessment before taking plea.

“I hereby direct the suspects to be taken to MTRH for mental assessment and the minor should also undergo age assessment before taking plea,” directed Justice Ogola.



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