More police reservists recruited to improve security

Isiolo County Commissioner Geoffrey Omoding has assured wananchi that the government has deployed enough security officers to areas that are frequently affected by banditry attacks.

Mr Omoding said over 130 National Police Reservists (NPR) are being deployed to areas prone to crime and along the border with Wajir, Marsabit, Garissa and Samburu where several manyattas have been deserted by local residents.

He said elders from one of the neighbouring Counties whom the security agents in Isiolo accuse of being notorious for cattle theft should firmly prevail upon their young morans to stop the habit of stealing livestock that has impoverished many pastoralist families in the region.

On the ongoing drought, the administrator said the government will provide food and fees for day secondary, primary and nursery schools in order to keep the children in school.

Mr Omoding who co-chaired County Steering Group (CSG) meeting with Isiolo governor Abdi Ibrahim Guyo said that according to UNICEF over 5,000 children are out of school in Isiolo County and directed zonal education officials, ward administrators, chiefs and their assistants to assess enrollment of pupils in schools and give updates.

The CC urged elders and nyumba kumi committees and village managers to report to chiefs the cases of children dropping out of schools and hunger situations on a weekly basis for quick intervention.

The county boss called upon the non-governmental organizations in Isiolo county to monitor the drought situation in the field and swiftly inform the Sub County administrators.

Isiolo governor Abdi Guyo said the county government would drill more boreholes and equip them to reduce the long distances covered by women to fetch water and to water livestock which is already weak.

Guyo added that drilling of boreholes and dams will be done in all strategic pasture reserve areas.



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