Multimillion Dam commissioned in Tranzoia

Trans Nzoia county administration has commissioned construction of a Sh20 million Amani dam in Chepchoina Endebess sub-county.

Speaking during the groundbreaking event, the County Agriculture Executive (CEC), Mary Nzomo, said upon of the dam, farmers will be connected to irrigation system to help boost their production and broaden their income base.

Nzomo said the construction of the Dam is expected to hold more than 67,118 cubic metres of water, aimed at uplifting the livelihoods of more than 300 tomato farmers from Amani,Vamia and Njoro farms of Chepchoina Ward.

This is in an attempt to have crops that can generate money, with a relatively higher frequency as they can be grown for up to two to three times a year, as this kind of crops only take three months to maturity.

“The construction of the Dam will boost the county’s diversification program through irrigation of tomatoes and other horticultural crops including banana value chain that is being promoted by the NARIGP program in 20 wards in the County. Our farmers have been depending entirely on maize farming; the dam will help them diversify. We expect the contractor to handover the site in three months’ time” she added.

The CEC added that through the NARIPG programs, 395 farms equivalent to 264.4acres have been rehabilitated and conserved.

Nzomo revealed that through the initiative, 4,000 Avocado seedlings, 11,850 Goreville seedlings and 4000 Bamboo seedlings were planted along waterways.

60 youths from the local community were identified and engaged in soil Excavation works, where they benefited from the Sh1.8 million program.

The Dam will also serve the community through several water points that will be mounted in the area of coverage.

“It will have a number of draw pipes that will demarcate the water as follows; community water point where residents will be getting their water for domestic use, cattle water point that will have troughs, there will also be pipes for irrigation. This will help us reduce interference of irrigation systems,” she said.

Nzomo disclosed that already the conservation team has rolled out planting of indigenous trees that conserves water.

At the same time, the County Executive rooted for growing of tea, coffee, and tissue culture bananas, saying the County will help farmers access ready markets.



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